Monday 12 May 2008

A birthday party with Zara

Today I came home with Zara and we had chips and chicken fajitas for dinner. We watched TV and then we played outside in the garden. I went to Espie's birthday party, it was great fun. Then we came back and went to her grandad's house. Then we played with Usama and I enjoyed staying at Zara's house.

Written with help from Zara

Tuesday 6 May 2008

Visiting the market with TJ

TJ and I spent the weekend together. During my stay I went to Wellesbourne market with TJ's mum and dad. It was a sunny day and I enjoyed looking at the things being sold on the stalls. I enjoyed my stay at Tjs home.

Written with help from TJ

Thursday 1 May 2008

Rebecca's mum's birthday

Yesterday I went home with Rebecca. We had fun. I went to the After School Club with her and we played Quincy. Then we came home and we ate her tea. It was curry pie and chips. She did not like hers but I did. We went and got her mummy a birthday present which was flowers. Then we came home and played with her snake Quincy and her toy rat. We played round and round the garden and her mummy got me a new jumper to wear which I like very much. We watched some TV then brushed our teeth and went bed . We listened to soft music. Then in the morning we made Rebecca's mummy breakfast in bed and gave her some birthday presents and wished her a happy birthday.

Written with help from Rebeca

Tuesday 29 April 2008

Visiting the beavers with Ella

When I went to Ella's house we went to beavers and we played with the parachute. We played sharks. When we got home we had tea. We had chicken kiev and chips, it was DELICIOUS! Then Ella did her homework and we went to bed.

Greek food and rugby with Elicia

On Friday I came home with Elicia. That evening we went to a Greek restaurant for her cousin's birthday. We were dancing all night to the Greek music, it was very fun. On Saturday we went to watch Elicia's daddy play rugby at Keresley Rugby Club. After the game I met a few of the players and had a good time. On Sunday we all relaxed and got ready for school on Monday.

Written with help from Elicia.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Feeding more chickens with Vincent

I went to Vincent's Grandad's house and we sang happy birthday to him. We then went to Vincent's house and had spag bol for tea with some birthday cake for pudding. Then we played in the garden and fed the chickens. The chickens were scared of me at first and ran away, but Vincent gave me some food to give them. They liked this and now they like me too. Finally we had a bath and went to bed.

Written with help from Vincent

Going to the park with Jack

I had a great night, I played with Jack and his cousin Kyle. We all went to play at the park and Simon went down the slide and had a go at the swing then we went home for tea. I had a banana and then we all went to bed. Oh and we had cake too.

Written with help from Jack hunter.