Friday 21 December 2007

My trip to Sharan's house

On Thursday I went to Sharan's house and we watched tv. After that Sharan read a story to me and I loved it. Then after that we went Tesco for Christmas shopping and we bought cakes and cards then we went back home. Then we had dinner with Sharan's family and after that we drank our milk and then went to sleep.

Written with help from Sharan.

Thursday 20 December 2007

My trip to Raul's house

For tea we had soup then we watched cricket we celebrated when the wicket went off. After that we played football. Then Raul and I played on the ps2 and ps1 and PSP and wii. I had a great time at Raul's house.

Written with help from Raul

Tuesday 18 December 2007

My trip to T.J's house

I went to T.J's karate party we had some food and drink and Santa Claus gave us presents. There was a raffie and I won three prizes. T.J. and I danced all night with my karate friends. We had a great time.

Written with help from T.J.

My trip to Kyle's house

I went to kyle's house. Kyle and I watched some Spongebob Sqaurepants. It was very funny. I said I love you Kyle and he said I love you too. Kyle took a picture of me and most of his cuddly animals all together. I played top trumps and Kyle won.

Written with help from Kyle

My trip to Elicia's house

Today I came home with Elicia. I met her two bothers Roko and Will. They were very sweet. Elicia took me to her kick boxing class. I was scared at first but everyone was very friendly and we had lots of fun. We all had fish and chips for tea and I was tucked up in bed at 8 o' clock.

Written with help from Elicia

Wednesday 12 December 2007

My trip to Amber's house

On Tuesday I went to Amber's house. At dinner time me and Amber made an omelette. After that we went to town. In town we went on the sleigh ride to visit Santa. I even sat on Santa's lap and a donkey. At town Amber showed me the Christmas lights. When we got back I got to see Amber's Christmas tree. I had a GREAT time at Amber's house.

Written with help from Amber.

Tuesday 11 December 2007

My trip to Zara's house

I went to Zara's cousin's house. We had chips and fish fingers for dinner. Zara played with toys.

Written with help from Zara

My trip to Jack's house

I went to Jack's house and I had my photo taken by Jack's Christmas tree. I had chicken, chips and beans for my dinner. The dinner was very nice and I had a nice time at Jack's house. I met Jack's mum, dad, the two brothers and his sister. I met Jack's dog named Monte and I had a play with him. I had the best time ever at Jack's house.

Written with help from Jack.

Friday 7 December 2007

My trip to Ella's house

I went to Ella's house and played with her little brother and her puppy then we went up to Ella's bedroom and played with her toys. For tea we had ravioli then Ella read to me and her mummy then it was bed time. I snuggled up with Ella. It was very comfy. I slept with Ella's teddy. I had a GREAT time.

Written with help from Ella.

My trip to Vincent's House

I went to Vincent's house and for dinner we had chicken and peas and pasta. We watched spiderman 3. Afterwards we had a wash and brushed our teeth and went to bed. Thanks to Vincent for helping me write this story.

Written with help from Vincent

Wednesday 5 December 2007

My trip to Rebecca's house

Today I went to Rebecca's house. We had curry for tea. After that we played hide and seek. I hid behind Rebecca's teddies on her bed. I met Rebecca's dogs. They are called Toby and Jack. They were very playful. We had lots of fun and soon it was time for bed. On Wednesday I went back to school.

Written with help from Rebecca

Tuesday 4 December 2007

My trip to Daniel's house

I went home with Daniel. I waited for Daniel to come back from art class. Me and Daniel played sonic shuffle. We had curry for dinner then I played with Daniel's cars. We watched a DVD in bed. I love Daniel.

Written with help from Daniel

Monday 3 December 2007

My trip to Laura's house

On Friday I went home with Laura. We had dinner and then we watched telly. On saturday I went with Laura and Adam to see nanna and grandpa and we played teachers and bingo but grandpa won and then we went home. On Sunday I went to the gym with Laura and her mum. We then went for lunch to the Wacky Warehouse and I played in the play area with Adam and Laura and then I had my pudding. When I got home Laura had a bath then we went to bed. I had a great time with Laura.

Written with help from Laura

My trip to Millie's house

Today I went to Millie's house. We had chile con carne for tea and then I playedwith her horses. We had a great night and then I went to sleep .

Written with help from Millie

My trip to Cameron's house

When I went to Cameron's house we went on the computer. For dinner we had sausage, chips and beans. After we had dinner we played football. It was GREAT at Cameron's house.

Written with help from Cameron