Thursday 24 January 2008

My second trip to Callum's house

I went to Callum's house for the second time. I watched Scooby doo and then we had dinner. Then we played transformers all night until we went to bed.

Written with help from Callum.

My trip to Alicia's house

When I went to Alicia's house it was fun. For lunch we had cheese, ham and pasta and then Alicia went to dance. Alicia asked her dance teacher if we could take a picture and she said 'ok'. Alicia held me. The whole class was there. Then we went home. For dinner we had pizza and chips, it was yummy. After that we went to bed in Alicia's comfy bed. Alicia's mum knitted me a scarf and some gloves. I said to Alicia "are we going to play the wii in the morning?"

Written with help from Alicia.

Friday 18 January 2008

My trip to Ibrahim's house

Today I went home with Ibrahim. We had great fun. We played on the xbox 360. Then we had chicken and rice for tea and we had some trifle as well. Then we played hide and seek.

Written with help from Ibrahim

Tuesday 15 January 2008

My trip to Robert's house.

Today I went to Robert's house. I had spaghetti bolognaise for tea. I met my new friend Danny. We had to take Tom for a walk in the dark and i was a bit scared.

Written with help from Robert.

Monday 14 January 2008

My trip to Ryan's house

This weekend I spent with Ryan and his family. On Sunday we had croissants for breakfast yummy. Then we went to Walsall for a bithday party for Ryan's great aunt. We had lots of Indan food and listened to bhangra music . I also met Ryan's nan. It was a cool day.

Writte with help from Ryan

My trip to Shane's house

I went home with Shane today. I had dinner with him and helped him do his homework too. We are going bed now to watch TV for a bit then we are going to sleep. We had fun today.

Written with help from Shane