Tuesday 29 April 2008

Visiting the beavers with Ella

When I went to Ella's house we went to beavers and we played with the parachute. We played sharks. When we got home we had tea. We had chicken kiev and chips, it was DELICIOUS! Then Ella did her homework and we went to bed.

Greek food and rugby with Elicia

On Friday I came home with Elicia. That evening we went to a Greek restaurant for her cousin's birthday. We were dancing all night to the Greek music, it was very fun. On Saturday we went to watch Elicia's daddy play rugby at Keresley Rugby Club. After the game I met a few of the players and had a good time. On Sunday we all relaxed and got ready for school on Monday.

Written with help from Elicia.

Thursday 24 April 2008

Feeding more chickens with Vincent

I went to Vincent's Grandad's house and we sang happy birthday to him. We then went to Vincent's house and had spag bol for tea with some birthday cake for pudding. Then we played in the garden and fed the chickens. The chickens were scared of me at first and ran away, but Vincent gave me some food to give them. They liked this and now they like me too. Finally we had a bath and went to bed.

Written with help from Vincent

Going to the park with Jack

I had a great night, I played with Jack and his cousin Kyle. We all went to play at the park and Simon went down the slide and had a go at the swing then we went home for tea. I had a banana and then we all went to bed. Oh and we had cake too.

Written with help from Jack hunter.

Shane's brother's birthday

I played with Shane's little brother Sean on his first birthday and Simon played too. We had some cake and some takeaway food. We played with Sean's new toys and then it was time to have a bath and get ready for bed. Before that I helped Shane to do his homework. Finally Shane put me to bed and read me a story then we went to sleep.

Written with help from Shane

Tuesday 22 April 2008

Chinese at Manveer's house

I went to Manveer's house. When we got there I had some biscuits and half a cup of milk. Then we went upstairs to get changed. When I got downstairs I had a go on the X-box 360. We played on Sonic the Hedgehog. After that we had chinese for dinner. Manveer's cousins came around and we played hide and seek. Then it was time to go to brush my teeth and go to sleep.

Written with help from Manveer

Friday 18 April 2008

Cake and cooking with Daniel

I went to Daniel's house after shooting stars. I went to Melissa's house for some Birthday cake it was yummy! We came home and we played cooking. Daniel's Mum is great at cooking. I've had a great time at Daniel's house.

Written with help from Daniel

Visiting friends with Cameron

After school I went to Vincent's house with Cameron for tea. We had chicken burgers with chips and beans. I watched Vincent and Cameron play on the play station 2. They played Spongebob Square Pants the Creature of the Crusty Crab. They also played table football and Vincent won.

Written with help from Cameron.`

The morning of music

I went with Blue 1 to the morning of music. We travelled on an enormous coach to another Coventry school. There were lots of other children there too. There was an exciting space theme at the morning of music. Mr. Jones was dressed as a spaceman, he looked ridiculous! Each school did a performance. I thought they were all fantastic. My favourite song was called 'Mission to Mars'. We had a break and I was lucky enough to share some of the children's biscuits. They had a drink of squash too but I wasn't thirsty. In part 2 we sang some more great songs. Finally, after a really fun morning, we headed back to our own school for lunch.

Written with help from Blue 1 and Miss Maxted

Playing games with Mason

We went to pick up my grandad from his friend's house then we droped him off with my lovely nan Lnye. Then we went for dinner and after that we picked up my friend and went to his house. We had some chocolate then we went home. Mason and I had a great time playing with his cat. We played tig and hide seak. Then we played out with Mason's friend then went to sleep.

Written with help from Mason

Tuesday 15 April 2008

Seeing pets with Laura

Today I went home with Laura. We watched telly. Then I shared Laura's fantastic dinner. Then Laura and I went in her bedroom and played with her teddies. We had a fantastic time. Then we went to Laura's Aunty's house and we played with her dogs Benjy and Broozer: they are mad! Then we went home we had a drink then we cuddled up in laura's bed and went to sleep.

Written by laura and simon.

Quad bikes and horses with Millie

On Friday night I went home with Millie, we went on her quad bike and went fast. The next day was her brother's birthday and I ate some cake. Then we went horse riding and the horse licked my head so I was all wet. We then went to KFC for tea. On Sunday I went shopping for craft things and Millie made me a little monster. I had lots of fun.

From Simon with help from Millie

Swimming lessons with Amber

When I went to Amber's house I went to her swimming lesson. I was extremely good! Then I went to the fish and chip shop. After that we went home and I ate some of Amber's chips. Amber found me some summer shorts. Then we played with Owen and watched the Simpsons. Last of all we went to bed.

Written with help from Amber

Thursday 10 April 2008

Being helpful with Chris

I went to Chris's house. I was a big help to Chris today. I helped Chris find some things . Then I had an early night.

Written with help from Chris

Wednesday 9 April 2008

Feeding the chickens with Darcy

When I got home from school I helped Darcy feed her chickens and collet her eggs. We drew a picture together. I helped Darcy and her Dad to cook dinner. We made omlettes with the eggs that we collected, they were YUMMY! And when we got home I hid from Darcy.

from Simon xxx

Written with help from Darcy.

Tuesday 8 April 2008

Dressing up and dinner with Jade

When I went home with Jade we went around to Jade's Aunty's house for 5 minutes. Then we took the car back home. We came home and ran to Zoe's house. We played dressing up. Then we came home. We had dinner. We had croquettes, chicken dippers, beans and a drink.Then we slept on the floor on a mattress. I had a brilliant time at Jade's house.

Written with help from Jade